DeltaV Live Faceplate for Smart Switch


We are doing one project having DeltaV Live. Could not find Smart Switch Faceplate for DeltaV Live.

For DeltaV Operate there is a Smart Switch faceplate available. So can someone help from where can we get Smart Switch faceplate for DeltaV Live ?

2 Replies

  • Hi Rishi,

    In Deltav LIVE only Standards Faceplate are available. If you want smart switch faceplate you can migrate that Faceplate from operate to LIVE and configuration as per Deltav LIVE  standards if its required.

    then It will be work.

    Please find  the Migration process in DeltaV Books online and Can you please share smart switch Faceplate screenshots then I can give you more detail for same.

  • You may have already solved this, but I ran into the same issue a while back. I tried the Operate to Live migration tool and found the resulting converted face plate lacked a lot of the configuration such as interactions for buttons, color standards, etc. Instead of finishing the migrated face plate I deleted everything that was migrated with the exception of the SSCC button icon. I then made a copy of the Node_fp faceplate, renamed it to Switch_fp, and replaced the diagnostics button with the SSCC icon and linked the new button to the network device command center application.