Historian in non-Deltav workstation


It is possible to use a non-deltav workstation (client station) connect to system network to store the history of deltav parameters without going through OPC workstation ?

the customer have a several small systems (deltav, siemens,...) and needs to collect all history in same server.

  • Trying to eliminate the OPC connection limits options. The main way to eliminate the OPC connection is to get all of the 3rd party data into DeltaV via a VIM or EIOC, and then historize it as you normally would in a DeltaV Continuous Historian or Advanced Continuous Historian. This would require additional hardware and licensing, but is one way of achieving it.

    If the customer doesn't want to connect the systems together via the VIM or EIOC, then you're probably looking at connecting DeltaV to an Enterprise PI system, which requires an OPC DA Server license on a DeltaV Application Station.

    What is the reason you want to use a non-DeltaV workstation and why don't you want to use the OPC connection?
  • In reply to Bob Halgren:

    thank you Bob for your response

    this is a request from customer, he needs just to add one server to generate the historian for all systems.
    If we want to use VIM or EIOC what is the application can we install in non deltav workstation to get the communication?
  • In reply to lmarzouk:


    If you use a VIM or EIOC, there would be no non-DeltaV workstation required. Essentially all of the data would flow through DeltaV into a DeltaV Continuous Historian or Advanced Continuous Historian.

    If you want to connect DeltaV to a third party historian (such as OSI PI Server or AspenTech IP21) on a non-DeltaV Workstation, you will need to use an OPC DA or HDA connection to get data from DeltaV into that historian.
  • In reply to Bob Halgren:

    thank you very much Bob for this information's
    Good day
  • If you have a 3rd party historian such as OSI PI or Aspen21 then these should be vendor neutral and allow connections from various DCS systems, such as DeltaV, Siemens, ABB, etc. Most probably that would be using an OPC link. This is what I think Bob Halgren is suggesting, and is by far the most simplistic to setup/install/administer.

    If you want to get data into a specific vendors historian from another system, then you could put in a Modbus link (or other comms protocol) between the two DCS systems, and pass data to the system with the historian on it. It's a bit messy and would probably use a lot of Modbus address registers but it is possible. You would also need to be careful with possible cyber-security issues if one system is accessed, could the comms link provide a means to effect the 2nd system.

    Lastly, some vendor specific historians even allow an OPC link to import external data, so if that is an option then go with that.