BulkEdit error message: WARNING: Required data does not exist on line 2 - module_name

Hi, I'm trying to import control modules in Bulk and when I import it gives the following error: WARNING: Required data does not exist on line 2 - module_name

It repeats this for the number of lines in the import. However, I do have module names in the file for each line so I don't see why it is giving me this error. Has anyone else experienced this?

2 Replies

  • The imort format specification file can specify certain fields which must already exist in the configuration to allow import. I suspect that you are trying to create new modules that don't exist using a format file that says that the module name must exist. The error message is referring to the non-existence of the module name in the configuration, not in the data file.

    If you decide to edit the format file, I have found that the checkboxes on the dialogue for the "Must exist" fields do not represent what is in the format file - they just default to some settings. To be sure, look at the format file in Notepad. The line beginning "must_exist" shows which fields must exist.
  • In reply to Cedric Dawnhawk:

    That was the issue thanks! I edited the fmt file to remove the module name from the must_exist section and it worked.