I would like to simulate an analog input signal for simulation purposes.
I see I can easily do this for DIs, DOs, and AOs, but cannot see how to do it for AIs.
Is this possible?
In reply to MichaelRichards:
Hi there,
Thanks for the reply!I'm sorry if I'm misinterpreting your answer, but it seems [to me] like you're saying that an operator cannot Force the AI directly, but you can do it programmatically?
In other words, direct the Force_AI block to write to the %AI memory? If so, is this simply a function of write speed? Forcing via PAC ME does actually work, but it's just overwritten immediately, whereas the program can rapidly execute the overwrite?
In reply to Matthew Love:
As you note, an operator may Write to the Analog Input Variable directly from PAC Machine Edition.
For example, right-click on the Variable in the LD Editor, select the Write Value menu item, and enter a Value.
This write will occur during the Communications Window portion of the Controller Scan, and immediately be overwritten by the Input Scan at the top of the Controller Scan.
The Controller Scan has four Steps:
So, for a Force of an Analog Input to be effective, it has to come after the Input Scan step… Placing Logic to do this at the very beginning of the _MAIN block ensures all of the Logic will act on the forced value.