OUT_HI_LIM setting for Analog input

I have some temperature analog inputs that I want to change the scaling from using C to F.  I am able to adjust the scaling value and get the correct temp output, but the OUT_HI_LIM setting in the LIM block is set to low so it shows a fault for that sensor since the value is > the HI_LIM.  Looking at the block offline and it has a default value of 100, but when I go online the default value is 129.6.  Changing the default value (I tried changing to 250) doesn't change anything when online.  I haven't been able to find where/how I can change this parameter or where it is getting it's online value from.

I only have experience with my one emerson system so I am not sure if this is a standard soft_ai block or something that was made for just my application.   I suspect the answer is probably something really simple that I don't know.

Maybe a bit more complicated question would be is there an easy way to change a group of AI from being scaled from one set of units to another and back again.  For example placing a button on one of the pictures that will convert the AI and their associated pictures / scaling from using kpa to psi, C to F and m to ft?   Only thing I can think of is to make a set of blocks for each set of units and a set of pictures for each set of units and having the push button change you from using one set to the other set and back.