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Change devices colors on PCSD V13

Is there an simple way to change colors for all devices dynamos such as valve, motors, agitators color for SP and PV?

I need to change the two gray colors to a light green and light pink.

PCSD version is 13


Thiago Borba

4 Replies

  • If the PCSD version is 13, most likely you're using DeltaV Operate, so you'll have to change the Dynamo library and replace one by one, on v14, using DeltaV Live, you have the option to use Linked GEMs.
  • In reply to Tadeu Batista:

    PCSD dynamos use Threshold tables for colors so it is a pretty easy change. Looks like HCD dynamos so under SIGlobals you will look for the theshold tables that start with Pump_DValve_Fill_Color. Modify all of these for the colors you want to see and if you don't use some of those themes then you don't have to update them but I would suggest updating and testing all of them. Note the Color2 thresholds are for Normally Open so make sure you get the colors correct.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Tadeu mentioned DeltaV Live and GEMs. GEMs replace Dynamos in Live. The key advantage of GEMs is that they are class based which greatly reduces the effort to manage change across all instances of GEMs in all displays. But as Matt points out, colors are managed in Threshold tables in DeltaV Operate, and this allows all Dynamo Instances to reflect color changes across all displays.

    In live, color tables are replaced by Functions of the type color. Live also provides for defining colors as "Standards". This allows multiple "Color Functions" to use the same "Color Standard" so that you can manage a particular color in one location, even if you need to use this same color in different functions, or in direct references in GEM's.

    With Live, we have global Functions, Standards and GEMs with which to create the graphics environment. These three constructs are centrally managed in the Library Explorer. This is a huge productivity enhancement for the display life cycle that facilitates the ability to implement incremental enhancements to the published Operator displays.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    If the idea is to change the color only some specific dynamos, changing the color table in the SIGlobals may not be enough, you may need to create a new table and change it in the Dynamo, what will require to replace all the Dynamos on the graphic anyways.