Unable to get Program to output to file when using DeltaV Live Open Application function

I have a program I would like to run from DeltaV Live.  I've set up a button to use "Open Application", DeltaV Application is False and I've set up a Standard that defines the Program and included the suffix ;NoSignatureCheck.

The Program runs successfully and outputs the results to a Command Window for just a second or two. The Output to file portion is what is not working.  In CMD line, I can use " > \\Localhost\DVData\Results.txt " and the results are piped to the file as desired.  With the same syntax on the command Arguments, the data does not make it to the file.  

The behavior with Live is similar to using an invalid syntax for the output file.  The program generates the data to screen. 

I've tried outputting to D:\Results, and again, this works in Command Line, but not from Live.  I've used ">" and ">>", which both work in the command line, but not live

I've simplified the Arguments down to the Output file syntax.  Running the program in command line with this argument results in the program Help data being saved to the file.  In Live, the help appears briefly on screen as it would if there were no arguments provided.

what is the syntax that Live requires to pass the output file name to a program?

Andre Dicaire

2 Replies

  • Hi Andre,

    I am wondering if you have tried creating a batch file instead? At least you can re-direct the output inside the batch file but I am not sure if DeltaV Live allows running it.

    Regards, Lun
  • I think the > character in your example is not considered as Output Redirect (which is what you want), but as just another command line argument...