Difficulty Exporting CHARM name, DeltaV 12.3.1

We named our CHARM slots as Base# and Channel# instead of 1-96.  

The query results in channel number (1-96), and not CHARM Name.  When I try and extract the CIOC/CHARM information, I do not see 'Name' as a result (or option) in charm.fmt or charmio.fmt.

Any suggestions on how to get CHARM Name included in the CHARM or CHARMIO extract?

  • The displayed slot identification in DeltaV explorer is based on the Baseplate and position, but its exported as an absolute slot position. If you do a standard export or a bulk edit export, the charm position is this absolute number. This is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

    The column "Name" in explorer does not export the "CHM1-01"as shown. You will not find this in either Bulk Edit or standard export format.

    In Bulk Edit, the position designation is called "charm_slot_no" and exports 1 - 96.

    In a full export of a CIOC, the CHARM position is called "CARD_SLOT", which is also the integer position from 1-96.

    user="mandre" time=1581032802/* "06-Feb-2020 16:46:42" */
    DESCRIPTION="Discrete Input CHARMs"
    DESCRIPTION="Undefined functionality"

    I you have created a configuration spreadsheet using baseplate and relative position to define your CHARMS, you will need to convert this to the slot number integer, which is relatively easy to do with an expression in Excel.

    The XML formatted output from a CIOC does provide the NAME (CHM1-01), Slot (1) as well as Baseplate number and position number, which can easily be viewed in Excel. In v12, this XML maybe under a print option (Print XML). In v14, we now have a "Save Report" that creates the XML file, as well as option to Print Label, which formats up to 8 baseplate labels that can be inserted in the Label cover of the baseplate.

    If you are looking to export the CHARM configuration for documentation purposes, the XML format may serve you better. If you are looking to bulk edit configurations for the CIOC, you will have to use the Slot number in the import data file. This can be derived from a Baseplate/Position format but you will need to convert to slot nubmer.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Greetings Andre
    Yes, I am using the CIOC/CHARM export for documentation, mainly for IO management. I use it as an IO assignment reference document, for managing new IO allocations, available capacity and controller assignments.

    I am using expressions in Excel to parse out base # and Channel # from the slot numbers 1-96. It does seem a bit cumbersome when I can already see the (base&channel) information under "name" in DeltaV Explorer.  For reference use in the field, base # and channel # is much easier to use to locate a physical CHARM than slot number 1-96.

    I have no intention to use the extract directly (via import) to make database modifications. I will test the "print to XML" and see if that saves some steps. As you know, I do not have the "Save Report" option in v12 that is available in v14.  All that said, I am able to get all the information that I need to do the job of administratively managing IO assignments.

    Thank you for the full explanation in answering my question. It is helpful and appreciated.
    Best Regards

  • Sim,
    Since your system is 12.3.1, I'm not sure there is XML export (and my 12.3.1 system is currently in the middle of a huge import so it is faster for me to just post the MSExcel stuff) .

    In Microsoft Excel.....

    I put Slot Number (number from 1 to 96) in column E starting with "1" in cell E4 and going to "96" in cell E99 in my worksheet.
    I calculate CHARM BLOCK in column F and CHARM CHANNEL in Column G

    the Formula for cell F4 to get the CHARM BLOCK is "=INT((E4-1)/12)+1"
    the Formula for cell G4 to get the CHARM CHANNEL is "=IF(MOD(E4,12)<>0,MOD(E4,12),12)"

    you can then copy and paste the formulas from F4 and G4 through to F99 and G99.

    I hope this helps.