DeltaV Mobile Auto Import of FHX File

I came up with the following to overcome having to manually make the backup and rename the file.  I hope this helps others in the future or Emerson will change their tool to allow for naming the backup file generated.  You will need to use windows task scheduler and have it run at whatever frequency you desire.  The file can be saved to a network share or shared folder.  You will need to change the text Infosource1431 to whatever the infosource name is that your system requires.  The cmd portion goes in the program/script section of the scheduler and the rest of the line goes in the add arguments section.  Please note the order listed is important for the task to complete as desired.

Use windows task scheduler

  • Actions tab
    1. Start a program – cmd /c del /f J:\FHX\Infosource1431.fhx
    2. Start a program – C:\DeltaV\bin\dbImpExpClient.exe –de J:\FHX\
    3. Start a program – cmd /c ren J:\FHX\*.fhx Infosource1431.fhx