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Delta V restore database issue/question

I recently encountered a "rpc server unavailable" error upon opening  delta v explorer.  I checked the service was running, restarted the proplus, checked the database status and no luck.  i got in touch with GSC and they advised the below:

1.       Stop/shutdown dvdbserver.  On Command prompt, type in “net stop dvdbserver”.

2.       Clear the registry: To launch DBAdmin, the active database must be blanked from the registry key HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\FRSI\DeltaV\CurrentVersion\DBAdmin\ActiveDBName.  Delete the name entry.

 3.       Create a new database. Set Active Database then select the newly created database.

 4.       Restore the latest known good copy of the database according to Section B. Restore the Configuration Database from an FHX export on attached KBA NK-1300-0236.

i am stuck on item #2 as upon deleting the name entry from regedit, I then attempted to proceed to #3 but it wont let me create a new database as it is grayed out. how can i create a new database after i removed it from the registry?