"Allow Implicit Mode Change" not found in Batch Application Manager advanced Setting.

Reading ASC(Active Step Change) in Books online and descried that "Allow implicit mode change" can be set from Batch application manager - advanced Setting. but cannot in.(Deltav 14.4)

 anyone has idea if this option was removed with deltav 14 version? 

  • If you go to DeltaV Batch Application Manager/Advanced you'll see there is a new tab called "Configuration Setting". "Allow implicit mode change" is found in this new tab

  • In reply to Ryan Nielsen:

    Batch executive advanced windows is different with what you have.  hmmm..

  • In reply to chanwoopark:

    I have confirmed the released software for v14.3 feature pack 1 has the tab called "Configuration Setting" as shown in my previous post. Please confirm which software version you are using
  • In reply to Ryan Nielsen:

    You have to have the DeltaV Batch Application Manager open on the actual Batch Executive node in order for all of the tabs to appear. If the manager is running on another node then the Configuration Settings tab is not shown.
  • In reply to Scott Thompson:

    Think this issue is because of pre released software, I have a system that does the same and there is only one BE node, selected, running and no tab.