We are adding a new CHARMS logic solver SIS system into our existing DeltaV DCS control system. We are reading the SIS I/O into modules which are assigned to the CSLS. We have DCS modules which reference the logic solver I/O via external references. When we do a download of the CSLS, the status of the external reference in the DCS module goes to BadNoCommUV. This status stays bad for periods of up to 15 seconds. We are looking for a way to eliminate this issue without putting in custom logic to delay a bad status alarm in each module. Our assumptions were that by using a DeltaV SIS system, we wouldn't have this issue because they are on the same communication bus.
In reply to boykindj:
In reply to Tadeu Batista:
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
CSLS downloading leads to switch PID mode to MAN when SIS transmitters Median or selected value used as PV to PID control modules. Any suggestion or work around to resolve this issue?
In reply to Padmakar Konale: