OPC UA in ver 14.3. I would like to replace my PI to PI with OPC UA interface. DeltaV Advanced Continuous Historian to site OSI PI server.

Has anyone used the OPC UA to pass PI information from Advanced Continuous Historian to site PI ?   We are currently using PI to PI for our PI interface node and would like to see if OPC UA could be utilized here.

4 Replies

  • Matthew, I've reached out to the factory for clarity on this. According to Books on Line, the Advanced Continuous Historian is compatible with PI Datalink, PI Manual Logger, and PI to PI. BOL explicitly states "other OSIsoft client applications are not compatible". It is my understanding that with Advanced Continuous Historian, you must use PI to PI to move this data up to your PI enterprise server. I don't believe the OPC UA Connector can be used to access the data stored in the Advanced Continuous Historian. This is something I'm trying to confirm with the factory.

    OSIsoft have an OPC UA connector which is used to move data from a PI interface to the PI Archives and Asset Frame (AF). The OPC UA connector would access runtime data from the DeltaV OPC UA server. The Connector automatically buffers data so that a loss of network access will not result in loss of Data. Buffered data is processed into the Enterprise server when connection is restored.

    This will require the OPC tags be licensed in DeltaV for the OPC UA Connector. The Advanced Continuous Historian licensing is separate.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thank you for the answer and for the follow up.
  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Hi Andre, can the OSIsoft OPC UA connector access data (Historical Data and A&E) from the DeltaV Appstation with Continuous Historian (not advanced)?

    We have OPC UA server enabled in two Apps stations. Both App stations are licensed with OPC Server: 1000 Data Values license.
    OPC UA Activation license and OPC Alarms & Events license are assigned to the proplus.

  • In reply to WSoon:

    The short answer is yes. The Continuous Historian is provided with a single HDA server connection. As long as the Aveva (No longer OSISoft) PI connector requires only one connection at a time, that will work. I'm told it is preferred to pull the data via OPC DA to PI and that the OPC HDA connection can be used to backfill data following a loss of connection between the Collector and the DeltaV historian (when they are installed on different machines). The collector will buffer data if the Enterprise PI server is taken offline for maintenance or other reason. If the app station is stopped/rebooted, there is not history there to back fill from.

    You can license the Historian for more HDA connections if you need to set up the connection with HDA and need 2 or more connections to manage this. That frees up the OPC DA tags.

    I've used the UAExpert free OPC client to explore various connection scenarios of OPC UA with DeltaV. However, I don't use PI itself or any connectors so I can't speak to their setup requirements.

    Andre Dicaire