Control Studio Error (Module being updated by administrator)

1. Description of the issue or inquiry:
- Cannot run control studio for the respective module.

2. What hardware or software is affected?
- Affected after server / CPU suddenly hang when the module ( control studio ) still open.

3. How is the issue affecting the production process?
- We cannot do maintenance job for the respective module.

4. What have we done?
- We already try restart the server ProPlus, then clean database still same result. Want to try unassigned then assign back but the error come up to prevent use to do so.

You're support are highly need it.

  • Have you tried renaming the module and then downloading?

    Can Watchit monitor data from the corrupted module?
  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    Have you tried renaming the module and then downloading?

    - Renaming then download cannot be done because the error will pop up.

    Can Watchit monitor data from the corrupted module?

    - Yes Watchit can be use to monitor data from it.

    p/s : we have done everything including restoring old backup database.

  • Is this module assigned to a real physical controller or virtual node?

    Did you try to disconnect this database connection? This may happen if control studio is open and the PC is not shut down properly or left open when Pro+ is rebooted.

    To force disconnect from the database go to database administrator tools and open connections app. Then find the connection from MALPC8 node to the control module FIC-R5ZFMAA and disconnect it.
  • In reply to Raimi:

    Any suggestions to resolved this problem