SLS card problem

SLS card Problem

Hi all,

Looking for some advice on SLS card problem.

Basically I have deltav 11.3.1 with redundant MD+ controllers and SLS also

I installed all the cards, after the power on cycle completion I downloaded the cards and checked it physically

I found one of there is active and another is standby then I checked it in diagnostic window, I found that

The card which is showing active physically is 'good' but the card which is showing standby physically is showing 'cfgbutnotPresent logic solver' with a bad status

I checked

the voltage found 24v

Earting also found ok

SLS software rev

Hardware revision 4.14

Can anyone suggest way to help me out

8 Replies

  • It might help if you can provide some more information. You say that one SLS is powered up and is in "active" status. On the "standby" SLS you mention that you found 24 Volts. Does the "standby" SLS has any lights that are (green, amber, red) ON? Your mention of "configured but not present" message might indicate that the "standby" controller is not responding to the query from the "active" controller (heart beat response). I am assuming that you have configured this as a redundant pair (not simplex). Another suggestion (this is just a remote possibility). Power off (remove 24 volts) from both the controllers, unplug them from the back plane, reinstall them and power them back up to see if anything changes. Even though unlikely, there may be a remote possibility that you have a bad safety logic solver to begin with in which case you may need to get a replacement from Emerson.
  • In reply to Kris Chandrashekar:

    Before powering on both the SLS,I checked the voltage and that is 24 V after powered on one of them is physically showing active (green led -power and amber led- active glows)
    And another one is physically showing standby (green led- power and amber led standby glows)
    Yes I configured both controller and SLS as a redundant pair
    Today I will unplug and check it. and reply you soon
  • In reply to Kris Chandrashekar:

    Dear Sir
    I unplugged the SLS cards and install it again but it is showing same as before
    Physically it shows good (power led-green, standby led amber glows) but if I checked the same SLS in diagnostics window I found the same message (cfgbutcard not present)
    But the thing is same problem is there for 15 SLS. Card
    Please suggest me for the troubleshooting
  • What card number is the logic solver, and what slots on the 8-wide are they taking up?
  • In reply to Mike Link:

    Sir, these are the cards and respective slots
    Card no 3; card slot no 3
    Card no 5; card slot no 5
    card no 9; card slot no 9
    Card no 19; card slot no 19
    Card no 25 card slot no 25
    Physically these cards showing in standby mode
    But if I checked the status in diagnostics window it shows card not present
  • In reply to Roshan Parte:

    Mike Link's question may have some clues to your dilemma. Your cryptic answers throw up a lot more questions & confusion. I wish there was some more clarity. Let's try to see if I understand you correctly:-

    You have several Primary/redundant logic solvers with

    0) I will assume that you have a two wide I/O carrier with power supply and a DeltaV controller (Primary & Backup MD+ controller) Since you are able read diagnostics on the Safety Logic Solvers, this should be the case.
    1) Primary SLS in Slots 1&2 and Secondary SLS in Slots 3&4.
    2) Secondary SLS in Slots 5 &6 and Primary in Slots 7&8 (my interpretation based on what you have written that these cards are showing up in standby mode)
    That completes all the assignments for I/O carrier # 1.
    3) Secondary SLS in Slots 9 & 10 and Primary in Slots 11&12 (again my interpretation based on what you have written).
    3(a) You have regular BPCS cards or blanks on slots 13 through 16.
    That completes all the assignments for I/O carrier2.
    3(b) You have regular BPCS cards (or blanks) in slots 17 & 18 or blanks.
    4) Secondary SLS in Slots 19 & 20 and Primary in Slots 21 & 22
    4(a) You have regular BPCS cards (or blanks) in slots 23 and 24.
    4(b)This will complete all the assignments for I/O carrier #3.
    Now we are onto I/O carrier # 4.
    5) Secondary in Slots 25 & 26 and Primary in Slots 26&27.

    In a previous posting you mentioned that you have 15 logic solvers which are exhibiting the same symptom (that they show up as card not present). From what you have described here I can only count 8 safety logic solvers. Are you counting Pri/Sec SLS combination as 1 or 2? OR am I missing something?

    There may also be an issue with total length of 21.3 ft (or 6.5 meters) of I/O carrier. I am just wondering if this is the case.

    I think you should contact Emerson Tech Support if there is an issue with logic solvers not working. But your mention of 15 logic solvers exhibiting the same issue would point me otherwise. I think you should examine your installation to see if there are other things that are missing.
  • In reply to Kris Chandrashekar:

    I have 3 redundant controllers for ESD
    Instead 3 controllers ; I was just considered controller- 1
    I have total 32 SLS cards in controller-1, instead of them
    Card no 3 and card slots 3&4
    Card no 5 and card slots 5&6
    Card no 9 and card slots 9&10
    Card no 19 and card slots 19&20
    Card no 25 and card slots 25&26
    Are showing configured but card not present
    Remains this all cards showing good physically and in diagnostic window also

    I have 36 SLS card in controller- 2 instead of them
    Card no 1 and card slots 1&2
    Card no 11 and card slots 11&12
    Card no 15 and card slots 15&16
    Card no 19 and card slots 19&20
    Card no 21 and card slots 21&22
    Card slots 33 to 36 are blank slots
    Card no 39 and card slots 39&40
    Are showing the same error
    Remains all are showing good

    I have 24 SLS cards in controller-3 instead of them
    Card no 7 and card slots 7&8
    Card no 13 and card slots 13&14
    Card no 15 and card slots 15&16
    Card no 21 and card slots 21&22 showing error
    Remains this card all cards are showing good in diagnostic window
    Please help me out
  • In reply to Roshan Parte:

    What this ever resolved?