

I have a fieldbus communication with a flow meter krohne IFC300 I Commissioned but I can not download it it gives me the following message:

thank you for your help.

Best regards.

Butler faith.

  • Well is it actually wired up properly? Try auto-sensing and then viewing in AMS, or at least check DeltaV diagnostics.
  • In reply to depthcharge623:

    yes it is wired, and even when I decomissionne the commission again I can change their name and address and that changes at the transmitter and the diagnostic level it provides that:
    - The intergrity: bad
    - Status: 1 or more function block on link problems.

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.

  • Since you are using DeltaV, you could call the GSC and the GSC will walk you all the way through getting it to work. Or call Krohne. It might not be routine, and a number of trial and error attempts might be required.

    No easy obvious answer to this one.

    Natalie Namisnyk

  • In reply to Natalie Namisnyk:

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.

  • In reply to Butler faith:

    To resolve this issue "update download status " and download the particular module again
    Your problem will resolved
  • In reply to Roshan Parte:

    even if the flow meter is commissioned but I can not downloaded it gives me the following message even when I make a change in the configuration from AMS I see at the transmitter.
    thank you for your help.

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.

  • In reply to Butler faith:

    there was error messages about the licensing, have you checked that?
    Have you checked what bloks are actually inside the device or are you just downloading everything?

    Niklas Flykt 

    Klinkmann Oy

    Key Account Manager safety products

  • In reply to Niklas Flykt:

    I download everything

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.

  • In reply to Butler faith:

    There seems to be multiple questions relating to Fieldbus download. I responded to the other posting with this. I hope it will help with your situation.

    There is not just one cause of this issue.

    There are 2 major things to check first in the device’s AMS screens:
    1. Make sure Resource Block Permitted Mode has both Auto and Out of Service checked.
    2. Make sure Resource Block parameter Write Lock is disabled.

    For a download, DeltaV must put the RB mode to OOS. If either of these conditions are not set correctly, it will prevent the change to mode: OOS.