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fieldbus commisionnig

hello everyone;

I have a question for you I have a fieldbus communication with two devices krohne IFC300 a flowmeter and transmitter Pr electronics  temeparture the problem is that I see at the "decommissionned fieldbus devices" with a status  "missmatch" but when I slipped a commission the equipment for it displays nothing.

thank you for your help

Best regards.

Butler faith.

2 Replies

  • "Mismatch" commissioned state means the device has an address in the range 20-35 that was not assigned by DeltaV but by another system before connecting to DeltaV. You can commission it or make spare.

    What do you mean by "when I slipped a commission"?

    Was the problem resolved?
  • In reply to Jonas Berge:

    even if the flow meter is commissioned but I can not downloaded it gives me the following message even when I make a change in the configuration from AMS I see at the transmitter.
    thank you for your help.

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.