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DeltaV Operate Query

Dear All,

I am trying to limit the number of opened displayed areas on DeltaV operate? How can I do this.  



3 Replies

  • Can you be more specific? Do you want to limit the number of pop-ups opened at the same time, or limit the scope of graphics that can be opened based on area assignment, or limit the number of cached mained displays, or something else?
  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Thanks, Youssef for response.

    I would like to limit the number of pop-ups opened at the same time.
  • In reply to Mohd:

    I would do something like this:

    In user.fxg, toolbar, or schedule, create an event that fires every few seconds to evaluate the number of open pictures that are not the main picture.

    You will get pictures like the alarm banner, toolbar etc. in the count, but you can account for these since they will be regular.

    The code for this event should look like:

    Dim objPicture As Object
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim strPics As String
    intCount = 0
    strPics = ""

      'Look at each picture
      For Each objPicture In Application.Documents
        'only check if a picture (not global or scheduler)
        If StrComp(objPicture.Page.ClassName, "Picture", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then  

    'is this not a main picture?

    If Not (frsIsAMainPicture(objPicture)) Then
              intCount = intCount + 1
              strPics = strPics + ";" + objPicture.Name

    'if greater than 10 opened, close each one over 10

    If intCount > 10 Then
              frsClosePic (objPicture.Name)
              End If                         
      End If
        End If

      MsgBox intCount & ":" & strPics

    For this example,  I message box the number of pictures open and their object names.  When the count goes above 10, I close the picture object.   The collection of pictures adds in the order they are opened, so the first 2 to 5 or so are standard stuff like alarm banner, toolbar, etc (this is why I output the names...to determine when to start counting).

    You can tweak the count, remove the msgbox, etc.