DeltaV Operate Run start up error


When I try to start DeltaV Operate Run, the progress bar stops at 14 % and the following error message appears:

" Error Number: 0 (00000000)   A compile error was detected in a script that was about to run. The script will not be started"

I copied over backup files for the Pic folder in the Graphics-iFix directory last week and that temporarily fixed the problem; the program would run.  However, on subsequent attempts at starting the program up, the same error message appeared and I had to copy and replace the files again.

Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? 



6 Replies

  • If u have yellowpages backup then replaced it.
  • In reply to bhushan619:

    I believe that Standard\UserSettings.grf or Standard\ComputerName_Settings.grf is the script running when at 14% but Error 0 isn't an error.

    I have only seen Error 0 when an Exit Sub is missing before the Error handling logic (See highlight example below)

    You may also have logic that is called in Usersettings Initialize script that is missing the Exit Sub. Go thru whole script and check each thing that is called as well.



  • In reply to Matt Stoner:


    Thanks for your responses. Matt, I've checked the script in Usersettings.grf to see if it is indeed missing the Exit Sub line. It is there, and the problem is recurring.

    Do you mean there should be a piece of script in Usersettings.grf called Initialize? If so I can't find it.

  • In reply to nikolaspf:


    I was referring to the Initialize script that is shown in the picture (CFixPicture-Initialize) in my previous response.

  • Hello,

    I realize this is old, but in case anyone else stumbles on this issue, I found a solution that worked for me. In my case, the User and SIGlobal variables (located on the left side of your DeltaV Operate (configure) panel under Globals) were wiped out. For some reason I lost these values during a startup. If you have a backup of your DeltaV data folder, hopefully, look in the Graphics-iFix/Pics folder. Grab the User.fxg and SIGlobals.fxg files and replace the current files. Make sure to back stuff up or rename stuff to old before doing this.

    John T
  • In reply to johnjt:

    Thanks for sharing your solution with the community, John .

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast