No Devices Scanned

When I did the following:

  • Opened AMS Device Manager
    • DeltaV Network 1
      • Right-click
      • Scan
      • All Devices

Usually, I would get any new devices on my network, but now I get the following message from AMS Device Manager: No Devices Scanned.

  1. Why is this happening?
  2. Can I do something to rebuild the hierarchy again on the same network?

Currently using Version 14.5 FP2 Build 038 for AMS Device Manager


3 Replies

  • Have you autosensed the channels in DeltaV Explorer? This is the preferred method to add a new device on the network. However, a rebuild Hierarchy in AMS, followed by the Scan New should read in the new devices. Based on your description, it sounds like maybe you missed the "Rebuild Hierarchy" option.
  • In reply to Matt Forbis:

    I tried to scan new after "Rebuild Hierarchy" but still nothing happens.
  • Are you on AMS DM client station or you AMD Device Manager ServerPlus? Can you give us a little more how you have AMS DM setup with DeltaV?
    Quick recommendation:
    1) Terminate Services using AMS DM Terminate server in the Window menu options at the bottom left corner.
    2) make sure you password for DeltaV is correct when setting up you AMS DM HSI for DeltaV in the Network Configuration