No Devices Scanned

When I did the following:

  • Opened AMS Device Manager
    • DeltaV Network 1
      • Right-click
      • Scan
      • All Devices

Usually, I would get any new devices on my network, but now I get the following message from AMS Device Manager: No Devices Scanned.

  1. Why is this happening?
  2. Can I do something to rebuild the hierarchy again on the same network?

Currently using Version 14.5 FP2 Build 038 for AMS Device Manager


2 Replies

  • Have you autosensed the channels in DeltaV Explorer? This is the preferred method to add a new device on the network. However, a rebuild Hierarchy in AMS, followed by the Scan New should read in the new devices. Based on your description, it sounds like maybe you missed the "Rebuild Hierarchy" option.
  • In reply to Matt Forbis:

    I tried to scan new after "Rebuild Hierarchy" but still nothing happens.