Live, database backup

I've given up. The number of bugs that exist is just atrocious. Anyways, the latest obstacle is that one of my graphics crashed Graphics Studio. When I reopened it... gone. The graphic is just gone now. My question first is if there exists a backup somewhere without me explicitly having created one. Would there be a version that still exists somewhere on one of my workstations? 

3 Replies

  • Sorry to hear that. The bad news is that Live stores all displays in the Pro Plus in a dedicated database. If the display was never saved during the edit session, and is not available in the tree, it is gone. Unless there is a recovery procedure that I am not aware of. Sometimes, work may be cached in a journal file that would recreate the lost item, or is used to roll back a database and undo changes. But even if a back up was done automatically, if the work had not been saved from the current Graphics Studio session, it likely would not be in a backup.

    I've not seen a saved graphic disappear because Graphic Studio exited abruptly. Sometimes the item is locked and one has to unlock it from the database admin tools to regain access. The item would still be in the display tree in this case.

    I still see occasional abrupt closures in Live at WS 36, and am not able to reproduce them so I don't file a CTS call as I'm not losing work like you have experienced.

    I can only suggest you open a ticket with GSC. They would ask you for the database logs, of which there are many, that are encrypted and Emerson might be able to determine a cause. I doubt there is a recovery tool but if there is, they would know.

    Unlike Operate which copied the Graphics folder to every operator station, Live displays are published as HTML5 pages and the core configuration data is stored in the local SQL database. Items are locked when being edited so duplicate versions on different workstations is not possible. When Published, each workstation pulls the updated HTML display from the proplus when a refresh is requested or Live is started. They are not distributed with yellow pages.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    thanks for the info. The strange thing is that the graphic is still showing up online in LIVE. I did an export and it's not there. And the backup database failed when trying to back that file up. So, it seems like it exists somewhere.. just not where it needs to.
  • In reply to TreyB:

    So the display was once saved and published. The workstations have the published HTML5 files and so run independently of the Pro Plus. In that regard, Live and Operate use local copies of their downloaded displays, keeping workstations independent. But Live publishes a runtime HTML5 version, not the source configuration data. That is why you still see the display in run time. If you refresh the HMI's, you may lose what you currently have in runtime. You may not if the published display is still in the pro plus or the HMI isn't flagged to look for the missing display.

    File call with GSC to see if there is a recovery. You may not be able to recreate this display with the same name if it is still in the database but somehow corrupted and unavailable to you in Graphics Studio. Sorry I don't know how to recover this display or advise you on next step.

    Andre Dicaire