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Disable search icon in DeltaV Live

Is there are way to disable the search icon in DeltaV Live?

2 Replies

  • No there is not. The Menu bar is configured in the layout through a set of selections that can be enabled/disabled. The corresponding icon is removed when disabled. The options available do not include the Search, Health or toolbox or Refresh icons. Every layout requires at least one screen to have the menu enabled, so you cannot simply hide the menu bar and it will minimally have these three items.

    Unless there is an undocumented programmatic way to do this.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thanks for the information, Andre. The reason I'm wanting to disable the search tool is that I have several workstations where I want the operators to follow only the navigation I've built into their graphics. I suppose I will have to selectively publish graphics to these stations. Currently I've been publishing all graphics to all nodes because it allows me to know in Graphics Studio when a graphic needs publishing via the green publish icon. And if I only publish to specific stations almost all of my graphics will have that icon. Do you know if there's a way to designate in Control Studio which graphics belong to specific stations so that the graphics don't show the publish icon when they haven't been published to all nodes? Hopefully my question isn't too convoluted.