EDC Block Error, Simulate ACtive

I have an EDC block i'm playing with and I have noticed that although SIMULATE_D is enabled. The "Simulate Active" bit is not true in the FB BLOCK_ERR parameter. Let alone the module level BLOCK_ERR. 

  • Assume you have it assigned to a workstation but this will work properly in a real controller. Think maybe this is working like this for Operator Training Systems and not showing everything in simulate but not sure...
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    correct.. this is assigned to a Proplus. I have controllers connected, just haven't gotten them recommissioned.. maybe i'll do that.
  • In reply to TreyB:

    With modules assigned to the simulation controller in the Pro Plus or app stations, it is expected that all IO blocks will be in Simulate Enabled in order to allow the process simulation to work via OPC to the Simulate_In parameter. For this reason, in an OTS, the Simulate_Active is disabled, or all your modules would show this block error and Merror/Mstatus condition, which is not valid in the OTS. This is normal behavior.

    If you assign the modules to virtual or real controller nodes, then you will see the Simulate Active condition and all modules will show corresponding Merror/Mstatus based on the Err_Mask of the block error. Unless you are using a DST based Simulation driver that sets the IO values directly on the signals. This is the Digital Twin approach to simulation for development systems (not OTS).

    For OTS, the Simulate Pro features that can freeze the controller, allow save and restore of control settings to create scenarios and the ability to run the simulation slower or faster than realtime, these only work in the simulation controller of the pro plus/App station. The virtual machine controllers and physical controllers of the Digital Twin do not support this Simulate Pro Features.

    Andre Dicaire