Installing a new alarm sound wav file


Can anyone help me with installing a new sound for an alarm.

The sounds that are pre installed are limited, we have been through an alarm rationalisation process and which to install a critical alarm that says "critical alarm".

we have created the sound we want in wav format, I have placed the file in the 'sound' file in deltav, and selected it to play for a critical alarm, but it won't play.

Does anyone have the correct procedure for installing a new sound into the system?


  • I did something similar in the past and didn't do any more than you have done.

    When you say "it won't play" I presume you tried the Test button on the alarm properties dialogue. Check that if you select a standard wav file instead then that plays. The only other thing I can suggest is to make sure that your wav file is the right format which I believe is "Windows PCM", stereo, 16 bits per sample,
  • In reply to Cedric Dawnhawk:

    Thanks for your reply Cedric,
    I may not have the correct wav file, we do not have speakers connected to our pro plus station, so I have to install and then initiate an alarm in the control room. The file does play, but comes through as a couple of beeps, rather than our recording.
    I initially had the quality way too high, I'll play around with my recording settings and update this entry.
  • In reply to Lee W.:

    If you are not listening on the Proplus, I presume you are downloading the workstation you are listening to so that it is updated with alarm preferences and the sound files (which I think are downloaded automatically)
  • In reply to Cedric Dawnhawk:

    I'm downloading changed setup data on the proplus , then the workstations, but I'm not sure the workstations are necessary. This also works when returning to normal.
  • In reply to Lee W.:

    downloading to the proplus sets up the Auto Update (yellow pages) to propagate the changed files to all nodes that need them. However, this is not immediate, so downloading a workstation explicitly will hasten the update to that workstation. So technically not necessary, unless you want immediate update. In your case, I'd download the workstation I'm testing on. You could also place the file on the workstation if working with Operate. Once things are working, you can add this to the Pro Plus and download changed set up data to get this to all stations.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Hello Andre, you are correct, installing the file directly to the workstation first worked straight away. Many thanks.