Floboss 407

How can I display SCFM and pounds per minute of air on my floboss user display?


thank you

  • Hello Richie,

    By design, the FB407 calculates the flow rate in MCF/day and is saved to TLP 10, 0, 3. In order to achieve an output of SCF/min we will need to perform a calculation to change the units using an FST. The equation will be SCFM = (MCFD/1440)*1000. I would point the output of the FST to an open soft point float in the system. Once we have this converted value readily available to us, we can then configure the LCD User List to display this value. In ROCLINK800, go to Configure>LCD User List. This will open the user list configuration window. This list allows users to add additional values with tags to the LCD. Add a tag of "SCFM" to one of the open 'Text' fields. Then, in the associated 'Device Parameter' input, click on the [ ... ] button and open the Select TLP window. In this window, point to the Soft Point entry (point type 17), select the table we saved the calculated value to (parameter), and finally - select the parameter in which we saved the value. Apply the changes, and save them to flash memory (ROC>Flags). You should now be able to view the flow rate in SCFM on your display.

    If you need assistance in writing the FST, or if you have any further questions, I ask that you please contact the Remote Automation Solutions Technical Support Team at 1-800-537-9313. Additionally, we can be contacted via our web-based support interface - SupportNet. You can register for a free, basic account at www2.emersonprocess.com/.../supportnet_registration.aspx.

    Nick Norenberg
    RAS Technical Support, Global Lead
  • In reply to Nick Norenberg:

    Thank you very much Nick for the information. Would you happen to know the formula to convert to pounds per minute also?
  • In reply to RichieG:

    Hi Richie. Perhaps I can help.

    The equation to convert from SCFM to lb/min is simple: lb/min = base density X SCFM (base density is the density of the gas at reference conditions in units of lb/SCF).

    Note that base density is determined by gas composition only and is a fixed constant regardless of changes in pressure and temperature.

    For more information, please view the webinar posted at:

    Best regards.