Can Your Team Learn Real-World Technology Skills – Virtually?

 Keeping your current workforce up-to-date on technologies, plus upskilling your staff as systems change, is vital to the successful operation of any industrial enterprise. These days, with not enough skilled people available for the jobs to be done, training becomes even more important to your success. But how do you get it effectively, affordably, and in a timely manner? At the upcoming Emerson Exchange, October 24-28, 2022, in Grapevine, Texas, you can get an answer to this question in the Spotlight Presentation Upskilling during a Pandemic – Lessons from the Virtual Training Experience with Michael Richards.

As you may know, Emerson has an extensive training program offered to keep customers getting the most from their technology investments. Packed with real-world and hands-on experience, Emerson training brings your workers up to speed fast. But does that “real world” experience have to be in-person? As was so clearly and effectively proven during the pandemic, the answer is “no.” Virtual training, in expert hands, has become a real tool for keeping your skillset up and your costs down.

In this interesting Spotlight, you’ll learn the lessons so quickly mastered by Emerson experts when virtual training went from an occasional side dish to the main course overnight. Can virtual training work for your team? Michael has the answer in this Emerson Exchange Spotlight. Register today.