Datalink Modifier in DeltaV Operate

Hi to all,

Can anyone know that how many datalink modifiers are there in deltav operate and where will I get any documentation to study what each modifier does?

Any help will be good.

Thanks in advance Slight smile

  • Easiest way to find is from when doing an animation, click the ... button and then on the DeltaV tab, select the Help on Display Parameters and Datalink Modifiers is one of the bullet items.
  • Thanks matt for the early response but i was unable to find [_I_HRESULT_] datalink modifier in suggested path.
    So what type of datalink is that and is it somewhat related to [_I_QUALITY] ?
  • In reply to Nirit:

    [_I_HRESULT_] is looking for existence of the path and I believe will return 0 if valid path exists or non-zero if path doesn't.