Format a datalink so that it displays as an exponent

I would like to create a datalink that displays as an exponent regardless of what the value is.  For example, the number 0.0000008 would display as 8.0 E-7 and the number 0.08 would display as 8.0 E-2.  Is therre a way to accmoplish this?


  • To format a data link to display scientific notation, first select a F_CV, E_CV or A_CV field, enable the Raw Format check box, and specify %e in format field. F_CV and E_CV datalinks using %e raw format, by default, display 6 places after the decimal point. To display more places after the decimal point, for example 15, change %e to %1.15e. A_CV datalinks using %e raw format will always display 15 places after decimal point. To display a leading zero in the link, use the F_CV field and the raw format similar to %02.2f.
  • In reply to JoshC:

    It took a little bit a manipulation, but I got it to work the way I wanted it to. Thank you!