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DeltaV alarm visibility condition

Hello everyone, I am new to DeltaV. I am creating a grapics for a new system we are purchasing and I have created alarms and warnings for it. I am making use of Animation in DeltaV operate and Control Studio in DeltaV Explorer for its visibility condition. My objective is that if a alarm/warning is triggered, it latches and displays on the screen until the alarm is acknowledged AND it receives a clear (value=12) condition after the initial problem has been solved. I can use Animation (visibility condition <> 12) to make it visible as long as it does not receive clear condition but I cannot seem to latch it and wait until alarm has also been acknowledged by the operator.

Can someone guide me on what I can do to achieve this objective?

1 Reply

  • I would advise looking at an existing alarm dynamo or component and replicating the functionality of it directly. For example if you take apart any of the alarm banners you'll see the animations for how active vs acknowledge are handled. The out of the box dynamos have some of the alarm logic as well.
    Trying to account for all the different alarming scenarios from scratch will invariably mean you may miss something that has been thought about previously, or you'll reproduce existing functionality in a different way that diverges from standard.
    You will need to look at the various permutations of the LAALM (latched alarm), CUALM (current alarm), and possibly NALM (new alarm) values to get the logic right.
    See the article 'Alarm States' in books on line for a description for how these fields work in various alarm scenarios.