DeltaV Operate - Animations - Visibility based on workstation

Is anyone aware of a way to animate an object's visibility based on the workstation?

I am able to animate based on current user, but that's as far as I can go:



  • As Richard has indicated, the variable frsVariables.misc_glb.gs_wsName.CurrentValue will contain the string of the workstation node.

    You can use this in your animations but depending on the number of nodes you are using and what end result you want, it might be better to create variables that you can set from usersettings based on the nodenames and then use these variables instead of hard coding the nodename(s). This would allow you to easily add nodes at a later date because all you would need to modify would be the Usersettings instead of all the places where you are doing this animation.

    Good luck
  • It's possible to create visibility on an object based on the workstations name using: ( DVSYS.THISUSER/NODENAME.A_CV = "xxws01" )