Can I configure DeltaV Operate Toolbar ?

I am trying to add a new button in DeltaV Operate toolbar for the toolbar. Is there a way to know which toolbar is the operate utilizing when we open a picture. 

Has anyone configured this before?

20 Replies

  • Hello,

    I assume it's used to define the custom (here DeltaV system) function names.

    The original system (intellution iFix) has some system defined functions, starting without 'frs'. 

    Emerson developed and customised the system to have its own functions. To differentiate (and to have consistency) they named these functions as 'frsORIGINAL' . 

    However the frs may stand for Fisher Rosemont System.

    Bottom line is the 'frs' is custom definition of any subroutine in VBA.

    Hope this helps!

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    I probably should clarify, the code to open Syncade in Operate that I describe was part of the deliverables from the Emerson project team. We have a DVI type module class that interfaces with Syncade via the event monitor and gives the operators the means to open Syncade to a specific workflow through the faceplate. My understanding is this class is or will be PCSD. So when I describe my efforts, I'm referring to the work we performed to get the function working without changing the 'COTS' faceplate code (or at least code that was tested and delivered). I will look into the button that you cited as I would love to know if there is a better way. Thank you.
  • In reply to Wei Liu:

    Pure guessing here... frs = Fisher Rosemount Systems?
  • In reply to MPhatale:

    thanks for your explain !
  • In reply to Lun.Raznik:

    Thanks for your exactly answer!