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Electronic signatures - what type of download is required

Hello all,

A query on downloading of Electronic Signatures.  More so the type of downlaod that is sufficient.

BOL under the heading "Assigning policies to modules" states:

"Once a policy is assigned to a module and the module is downloaded, signatures will be required for writes to the module parameters specified in the policy."

Our findings:

Once the policy is assigned to the module (test system) and a download of "Changed Setup Data" (CSD) to the ProPlus is complete, the Electronic Signature is active.

After policy assignment (or after chage to an existing policy) a download of CSD to the PP appears suficent. ("Module Table" is downloaded)

Downloading a module also downloads the "Module Table"...as well as downloading the module.

If possible we want to avoid module downloads as this affects running items.

(In our case we use a policy:  field "NALM".)

Do any forum members have experince to share on what type of download works with Electronic Signatures?

Is "Module Table" the key?

Is there a DeltaV'ism why the module must also be downloaded?

(Not finding this reason in BOL).


1 Reply

  • AFAIK, the signature policy assignment has two parts - the Pro+ (which manages the policy) and the module (which executes the policy). I'm not sure if it's contained within the "module table" as you mention. Have you tried doing a CSD download on the controller that contains the module? I'm wondering if that may successfully sub for the module download in your scenario.