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Event chronicle problem

Hi guys, I have a problem with event chronicle service.from 2 months ago it didn't export any history to the text files and from last week it didn't collect all of the allarms.last week after we got tripped, I wanted to check the problem and I noticed that some of the alarms and events disappeared. I've changed the maximum size and the maximum records that must be saved but the problem is still going and we missed many alarms and events.

can anyone help me to solve this issue?

3 Replies

  • You might want to post if you see error/warning related events in Windows logs. What kind of station where this issue is encountered? Is it one of the application station?

    One reason why Event Chronicle malfunction is because of the time/date been manually changed. For example date/time is changed back to an older date then forward to the present time/date.

    What have you tried to resolve the issue aside from increasing the maximums?
  • In reply to Neil Castro:

    I've got some warning in event viewer.

    actually, I have a Proplus station and got the errors on this station and its time didn't change.

    I've changed the setting of events and alarms to destroy after 7 days for once after I got those errors.just for one day and again set the previous setting


  • In reply to hamed fattahi:

    From the Windows logs that you posted. Looks like the Event Chronicle (EC) could not to its admin housekeeping. There might be something that keeping it.

    What does DeltaV Diagnostics show about the EC? How large is the EJOverflow file? When was the last time the Pro+ is restarted? Were there any change on the rate of Alarms and Events rate? Usually during plant shutdown or some troubles in the control process may drastically increase the rate of alarms/events.