Process History View

Hi All,

I have a query in Process History View.

When there is a change of states, the change is captured in Process History View as 'NEW VALUE = 0, NEW VALUE = 1'. 

Is it possible to have a string value instead of floating.

I tried adding A_COMMAND.CVS in history collection. But the PHV still shows floating values.


3 Replies

  • Hi Rohan,

    if the mentioned parameter is taken as string in the control module then only it will show you the string value.
    It depends on parameter type only.
    Let me know if you need additional details.


  • Try historizing a variable tied to a "named set" e.g. OPEN-CLOSED-TRANS-BAD for a discrete valve (DC1/PV_D.CV). PHV will store / display the ASCII string.
  • From what I've seen, the value shown on the "NEW VALUE = ...." events is based on what is actually written to the system from DeltaV Operate. Assuming your A_COMMAND parameter is a named set for something like a command driven module, your current graphic script writes the command number instead of the command name (both are valid inputs). You'd have to change that script in DeltaV Operate to write the full text name instead of a number to get the event to show what you want.