Unable to execute a DeltaV OPC write programmatically using v13.3.1 Excel Add in

We have migrated Excel reports used to enter Historical Data Entry of Lab Data.  To present the last entered lab value to the Operator screen, the report also executed an OPC DA write to variables in a module, which would then be shown in an operator screen.

With the new Add in, the function to write programmatically no longer works.  We would like to select a group of cells that are configured to write to specific parameters and fire off the Write command, expecting that the confirmation dialog will appear.  In this way, the Operator or lab technician enters data in the appropriate cells, and presses the Write Button.  This executes the HDE writes (no problem there), and then fires off the function to write the same data to a module. 

The Excel Addin has been rewritten in v13.3.1 but the method to trigger a write is hidden.  We tried loading the Excel Addin from v12.3.1, but it requires two additional Addin's that we do not have.

Does anyone know if the syntax to execute writes as a function or method we can call from the EXCEL VBA code?

Andre Dicaire

5 Replies

  • Andre,

    What was the version of DeltaV prior to the migration?  Per AC-1400-6244 the DVWrite function is no longer exposed to the user through the Excel Reporter Add-in.  The prior VBA code library was deemed less secure and was hidden from user custom code starting with the v12.3.1 rewritten edition of the add-in.


  • Have you figured out a workaround yet? I also use the Excel add-in to perform OPC writes on 11.3.1. This is something we need to be aware of before performing the upgrade tp 13.3.
  • In reply to Ben Bishop:

    Ben, The version was 11.3.1 used by the Customer.

    I can understand locking the code so that users do not modify it. But failing to make the call available means users migrating from v11.3.1 or earlier will likely lose functionality in their Excel based data entry interfaces. It seems to me the code could be secured against unauthorized modification (i.e. removal of the Confirmation Message), but still be exposed as a function to be called by user programs.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Ben Bishop:

    I'm unable to open the AC-1400-6244 link or find the document through Guardian. Is this something you can share?
  • Andre,
    I'm looking for an automated solution for writing lab data to XXXXXX.HDE tag.

    Current state: Lab data is received via OPCUA connection. This data hits a landing module and can be seen on the DeltaV Operate. Operator moves data from DeltaV Operate to Excel sheet. Write data command button runs macro which calls historical data write via VBA script.

    Future state: Looking to eliminate Excel sheet entry. Not sure if the historical data write is available via VBA without excel add in?

    Thanks in advance,