EIOC configuration to read/write data to AB PLC (ControlLogix)

(I've reposted this from another forum area as this is probably the better place for this question)

Hi all,

I'm working with some OEM skid vendors for the purposes of integrating their skids into a Delta V installation.  I will have a series of AB ControlLogix processors connected to my Delta V installation using EIOC modules.  I have not worked with an EIOC module before, so I'm wondering how the configuration/mapping works between the systems.  If I have the OEM vendors package the read/write tags that I need to interact with via the EIOC into a UDDT (User-defined Data Type) structure in RSLogix 5000, does the EIOC allow me to work directly with the UDDT?  Are there limitations and configuration restrictions that I need to be aware of?

I have searched for the answer and through documentation but I have not been able to find the answer.  I have purchased a development system to test out this functionality, but it is months away from arrival and I would like to know the answer sooner.

Hoping someone out there has done this work already...
