Hello folks!

I've got an impending migration from Provox I/O to charms I/O, and I've been asked to keep a history of all changes after a certain "freeze" date. I could have done a better job recording configuration changes than I have.

Does Version Control have a report that can show all configuration changes for a given time period (or after a particular date) for my entire system? So far, I've only used it on a module to module basis.

  • A report for the whole system... I have not seen that and I use VCAT every day. VCAT does keep track of changes you make, but I don't see a feature to capture and entire system's worth of changes.
  • In explorer if you select the top level of your database then go to Tools>>Version Control>>History Report you can generate a report for a specific date range just be sure to check Recursive so it drills down.
  • You can ask for a top level report, but be careful as the query will take a very long time and use considerable resources depending on the duration of the search. It might actually be better to install VCAT on a simlulation server, install a pre-change DB, then import a current export file. VCAT will check out changed objects as the import progresses. Then you can just search for all checked out objects to determine which objects have changed to limit your scope of research.