I am in process of setting up OPC server on the DeltaV.
The target is to prepare DeltaV tags to be polled by remote non DeltaV OPC client/server.
I have applied licenses for: OPC Remote Sevices and OPC Server: 250 Data Values as well
1. After installation of OPC Mirror, I tried to open configuration utility, but it was proposed to pass registration procedure.
I have my license of Full Span of Control - does it mean OPC Mirror license comes within base license pack?
2. I also have installed OPC Services and Matrikon OPC Explorer(as alternative) on my virtual machine. When poll with OPC WatchIt - it`s OK, data
is shown correctly without any issues. But when try Matrikon OPC Explorer, message appears "No OPC Servers are installed on this remote machine \\[remote_machine_name]. Before
proceeding ensure that you have correctly installed an OPC Server".
Kindly advice what I could do wrong? Are there related documentation regarding this thread?
Thanks i advance, your assistance is appreciated
Daniyar Mamenov
Design & Application Engineer
Projects - ME&CIS
INTECH Process Automation - Kazakhstan Office
In reply to AdrianOffield:
AdrianOffield said:You indicate the third party OPC server is polling data FROM DeltaV, therefore, you need to setup that third party OPC server to POLL data from DeltaV. It seems you are trying to do two things in your explanation. I think you want to read data from DeltaV and receive to a remote OPC server, correct?
AdrianOffield said:OPC Mirror is what we use to read data from one OPC server (DeltaV or any third-party) and write to a second OPC server (DeltaV or any third-party). However, from the licenses you list if you do want OPC Mirror, you need an OPC mirror license, minimum 2 servers mirror license (one for DeltaV OPC server and one for your remote OPC server).
I thought that I do not need any additional license, mean OPC Mirror License is part of base license for EWS, OWS etc
AdrianOffield said:Application station have 250 OPC points as standard, so why do you need a 250 OPC license? Are you using a normal workstation perhaps?
License was proposed by local Emerson supplier...
What you mean by "a normal workstation"? I`m using my ProPlus as engineering station.
In reply to Daniyar Mamenov:
AdrianOffield said:Normal workstation is Pro+, Operator Workstation, Pro station, basically non-application station. What DeltaV station are you trying to read OPC data from, the Pro+?
Yes, it`s Pro+
AdrianOffield said:OPC Mirror is not part of base unfortunately. FYI, you could use an alternative solution from either Matrikon or Kepware for brokering OPC data transfer between two servers. They have application that performs the same function as OPC mirror.
Could you suggest products of mentioned vendors as well.
Ok, let`s assume I`ll buy OPC Mirror license for 2 servers. Still, I need Application Station for OPC data exchange?
Thanks a lot, Adrian!
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Brian Crandall:
Brian Crandall said:Hello Daniyar, FYI if you have to transmit OPC data across Firewalls, you can use our OPC .NET developer toolkit to create your own client and access OPC data from DeltaV. This is an alternative to OPC Mirror and requires that you develop all the data mapping and processing. The good news is that you only need to license the points on the Application Station or ProPlus. You do not need an OPC Mirror license. Refer to the toolkit page here: www3.emersonprocess.com/.../
Noted with thanks!
In reply to Former Member:
Colin Welsh said:Daniyar, From what I can gather you have installed and OPC client/server to read data from DeltaV on a virtual machine. If that's the case, have you set up your DCOM permissions correctly?
Yes, I have. Initially, when installing the DeltaV OPC Remote on VM, it has all needed DCOM configuration set autonatically. I`ve check it manually according to DeltaV Online Books Manual.
Colin Welsh said: Are the DeltaV server and virtual OPC server on the same domain? If not then you need to get your DCOM permissions absolutely spot on otherwise you won't get a connection (this includes having the same user on both machines, and setting up the launching user of the DeltaV OPC server with the correct permissions).
The DV Server as well AS OPC Client are on same subnet.