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What is the maximum data capacity that the OPC can handle froim Third Party Client to DeltaV?

‘What is the maximum data capacity that the OPC link can handle?’

 In terms of mean data reads and data writes per second, running at real speed between DeltaV Simulate server and a third party client through OPC.


I am aware that data is only read / written depending on value relative to tolerance.

I am also aware that the bottle-neck is usually network related (using GB rather than 100MB switches).

Any suggestions to how this can be quantified? or measured on a system.


I also had some discussions previously relating to whether there was a flag to ensure whether everything that needed to be sent had been received.

So (I understand) having a watchdog signal between DeltaV and the third party client is not a definative test. As it may not be the last / lowest priority signal scan.

2 Replies

  • Hi Richard,
    I can share only my experience with the PI Historian, which is also done via OPC. A limitation is the maximum available opc license on an application station, which is 30,000. I also read that the recommended samples per second number is 3,000.
  • Hi Richard,
    We had an OPC stress test last month, running for 30 days, using 30.000 OPC parameters connected to a third part OPC server through OPC Mirror. There were around 2.500 modules assigned to a Redundant Application Station, with scan rate configured in 1 sec. We had a logic to send commands from DeltaV to almost all TAGs in the PLC at the same time every 30 seconds and a logic in the PLC simulating the process input, so we could read them in our modules. We managed to send and receive all data with no error on OPC MIrror - pipe diagnostics and the time delay between the command sent and the feedback was between 2 - 4 seconds. We used a network analyser and there was no issue with network either.