Read DeltaV Control Module Scan Rate


I would like to read (and display) either in a control module or in the iFix the scan rate of a given control module.

Do you have any solutions to do that?

Thanks in advance,


4 Replies

  • You can get the module execution scan rate by reading the /PERIOD parameter.  This parameter is not exposed in the DeltaV Database so if you hard reference it in an expression or Input reference, the module will have a warning that the paramete path is not resolved.  

    If you read this from Ifix, this should not be an issue.  MY_MODULE/PERIOD.f_cv should work.  You cannot browse to this parameter.

    If you want to read this in a module, you can create a dynamic reference and set the $REF field to the path of the parameter using an expression:

    create a parameter called SCAN_RATE as a Dynamic reference.

    Add an expression to set the '^/SCAN_RATE.$REF' := "//MY_MODULE/PERIOD"

    if you read SCAN_RATE.CV, you will get the module scan rate.  In this way, the module will parse without error and the runtime execution can read the module scan rate.

    Note that PERIOD is not a documented parameter, so it is possible this might be removed in a future release.  However, it has been in the system since at least version 7, and I just verified this in v11.3.1. so.....

    Andre Dicaire

  • Andre, thank you for writing this. I spent time last night researching this, and had given up.
  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    It's working in 13.3.1 too :-)