online change/Upload in SIS

Hi all,

is it recommended to download SLS if any online change is made to the module, let say changes in alarm priority or trip SP?

By changing it online, what happens to its redundancy? does the standby SLS captures that change?



  • Hi Gelo,
    If you made any changes in online then no need to download SLS, If you want to store same data in offline database then you need to upload those parameter(Right click on SLS and select upload option).
    This type of process don't affect anything process wise and this change it's consider for both SLS's(Active and standby).


    Venkatesh. G
  • In reply to venky9133:

    Hi Venkatesh,

    Thanks for the response. But my concern is when you made any changes online, does the standby SLS captures that change as well? I was told here in my office that the online change is only for Active SLS. the reason it is always recommended to do offline change then download.

  • In reply to GeloCortez:

    Hi Gelo,
    I'm not accept with what in your office people said. Redundant SLS's are always treat like one node, if you made any change in online it'll reflect in both SLS's. For uploading SLS's no need for download, just you need to upload parameters to offline database. Just try to upload one SLS parameters and check that particular logic in offline, that change you'll see in offline database also. Some of parameters you can't change in online for those you need to modify offline database and need to download SLS(Example: Alarm type, Alarm name, C&E markups).

  • Hi Gelo,

    First of all, not every modification you make requires download to the logic solver, the example you gave do not require download.
    To your concern, the redundant pair is syncronized and works in lockstep, every on-line modification is applied for both logic solvers, the same way any required download will apply the modification to the redundant pair, you don't need to apply any additional action.

  • In reply to Tadeu Batista:

    Thanks Tadeu for clarification.