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how to allocate more memory to 'Process history view'

Hi all,

I am only currently able to view 2 months worth of information stored in the 'process history view', I think this memory is currently stored in 500mb chunks, if I view graphs however this information goes back further, is that because the graphs take up less memory?

I would like to store a rolling years worth of information, how do I go about changing these settings?

ours is an old version (9) of deltav and running on dated computers with limited memory.

any detailed info is much appreciated

1 Reply

  • By memory, I suspect you refer to 'storage' as 'memory' is more often associated these days with RAM. If your workstation is low on storage, regardless of age, you can always expand with additional physical drives, as I think xp can handle a TB if you were inclined.
    Regarding settings, shall I assume Emerson historian or Legacy Pi?
    Either way the principle is the same: determine current or planned consumption rates per month (don't use shutdown month), multiply by 12, and add 10-20% for overrage, and keep an eye on it. Emerson historian allows for monthly rolls of archives, so if you size correctly, you'll retain a year and only a year on line.