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DeltaV Upgradation


we have hardware and software which is Implement on DeltaV 10.3.I just connect all system and start working on that how things are implemented. I am new with the system so I want to learn things from already implemented stuff.

Well I am successfully online with the Main Process controller but I am unable to connect SIS Controller. Every time I diagnose it, its ping for SIS IP is

Second Problem I installed DeltaV 12.3 on other system and import the project and try to connect with that system.However I don't have license right now for 12.3 but I am facing issue when I diagnose the process controller not available in the list.However SIS controller is Available but I am able to ping the controller.

2 Replies

  • If you have redundant controllers, they each have a separate IP address between the two controllers to reference the same node. They are 10.4.x.y and 10.5.x.y for the primary ACN, likewise, they are 10.8.x.y and 10.9.x.y for the secondary ACN.

    If you have an active Guardian support contract, you should be able to download a license for v12 from your Guardian dashboard.

    What kind of error are you getting when you try to diagnose the controller?