Can I edit dynamos in a dynamo set?

Having created a dozen or so dynamos, I find I have to change the "Is Selectable" property in one of the nested groups. Can I safely edit this property in the dynamo set (change it from True to False), or do I have to start all over and create the dynamo using the "Build Dynamo Expert"?

4 Replies

  • Changing Dynamo set is fine, but obviously it won't reflect on the instances you've used in graphics, you'll have to delete those instances and create a new instance again using the new dynamo.
  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    After correcting the dynamo set you can use the 'dynamo update' tool. This will search selected pictures and replace dynamos with newer version where applicable. Make sure to update the dynamo version else the updater won't do anything.
  • Yes, You can very well Do that. Later you have to run a DRU tool (Dynamic Replacement Utility tool) to make the impact visible in the graphics.
  • Thanks everybody - I recalled some taboos around dynamo creation, like deleting the "originating" group in the parent graphic. The dynamo replacement utility is very useful, although I find some minor editing is needed if (perhaps) the "origin" of the old dynamo is different - causing the position of the new dynamo is off a tad relative to the static parts of the graphic.