Reset option in faceplate


Can anyone tell me how to configure a valve module or faceplate so that after an alarmed state due to an interlock the valve requires a "reset" button to be pressed in the "device state" part of the faceplate. some of our valves have this and some don't. 

I want to configure other valves to require a "reset" after an interlock has shut it, before it will open again, regardless of the PV.

I'm not sure whether I should be trying to change the faceplate diagram or make changes within the module or both.

thanks in advance


  • Lee,

    Most likely that is the Reset Required DC/DEVICE_OPTS option that you are seeing on the Faceplate.

    Enable and test to ensure that you are getting the reset button only when you want. You may need to customize to get the functionality you desire but that is the "Out of the Box" way.


  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Excellent, thank you Matt Stoner.