fieldbus communication

even if the flow meter is commissioned but I can not downloaded it gives me the following message even when I make a change in the configuration from AMS I see at the transmitter.
thank you for your help.

Best regards.

Butler faith.

2 Replies

  • It looks like you've haven't assigned any IO from the device, your screenshot indicates no referencing module to any of the available fieldbus function blocks. Try assigning the IO to a control module and see if the same error occurs.
  • It looks like one of the function blocks from the device you have referenced in the control module is not licensed for use. Remove all the references from the device function blocks in the control module. Now assign function block from the device to the control module one by one like AI or PID & download. After each assignment make a download. If the download gives an error, then this will tell you after assignment of which function block from the device gives error & is not licensed for use or cannot be assigned. Also during the download of the control module, a field bus popup dialog box pops up for uploading the parameters from the field device. If you have soft AI or soft PID or soft AO block in the control module, then remove the check mark from that block during download.