Switching Area control rights


I have a plant with a building (lest say an AREA A) that have to be controlled in normal hours (8:00AM to 6:00PM for ex.) by a Team A in a local control room. This same building have to be supervised the rest of the time by a team B (in a centralized control room).

I don't want the guys from Team B to see the alarms and to be able to control AREA A while Team A is on site. Re : Team B is on site all the time (normal and extra hours) for the plant control.

I would like to avoid people in Team B to have 2 logins.

For security reasons I don't want any password to be stored in a graphic script or in a module.

Is there a way to do this within Delta V system (11.3 and 12.3) ?


Guillaume LEMAIRE

  • Hi Guillaume
    You can try with AlarmFilter page, and you have to ways
    1) operator will enable and disable areas in the base of his needs
    2) you can write the schedule and do this in auto, the parameter which you need to handle is dvsys.THISUSER/AREAFILT[@index1@].F_CV (example for area with index #1)

    You can also make some more "sophisticate" schedule and enable / disable the areas in the base of user logged in in the local control room
    In any case be careful, you need to handle different situation, like user log on and log off

