Multiple SFC executions

Dear all,

I am currently working on a DeltaV project. I have multiple SFCs that are part of a big sequence . I want to put them online together but the control studio allows to put only 4 CMs online.

Is there a way to put multiple CM online. I can't test my control philosophy without it.

Thanks & Regards

 Muhammad Asim Butt

Instrumentation and Control Engineer

  • Multiple professional workstations. 4 sessions per workstation. But obviously requiring an SI dongle or appropriate licensing.

    If you only have a single Proplus, that's a bit tricky.

    another option would be to use multiple "watchit" windows to pull up parameters from other sfc modules, or put a DeltaV graphic together to pull important values together.

    I've never really struggled to debug a control strategy even with the limit of four control studios sessions, your  strategy must be pretty complex.

    Good luck,


  • In reply to M_ASIM_B:

    Sounds like a novel approach to bypassing batch licensing which isn't always the cheapest option considering the additional engineering effort to do that.


    Try googling "Control Studio is limited to 4 sessions by default" and "MaxMdeApp", you may get lucky., a presentation from User exchange 2012. Something I've never tried and it could make your system unstable and probably not supported by Emerson. If you are not on a live DeltaV system  i.e. just testing on a development system it could help you.

    I would totally advise against doing this on a live system.

    In either case investigate fully before hand and use at your own risk, I give no warranty.