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Offline DV Explorer (Tool)

Is it possible to open whole plant FHX offline without DeltaV actually being installed?

2 Replies

  • SBPosey has an excellent utility for viewing DeltaV .fhx files offline on a Windows desktop.  It has the look and feel of Explorer and/or Control Studio so you can see how function blocks are tied, view parameter configuration, and references.  It also has a powerful search tool, for example to identify all the control modules that have a particular parameter or display config.  I'll let him know of your inquiry.

    Kathy Pate

    Toray Carbon Fibers America

    Decatur, AL 35601


  • In reply to kathrynpate:

    SGA, you can e-mail me at my sign-in name at aol.com to let me know what features of DeltaV your database uses. My utility only handles features that I've seen in an FHX file. I haven't seen batch features in an FHX file, so the utility does not support them. Wireless I/O is a work in progress, but I hope to have full support for it soon.